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Bishop Greg’s Easter Message 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It’s Easter again. How quickly the year has gone. 2022 was a difficult year marked by floods, loss, anxieties and Covid. Things are not back to normal yet, but we are not burdened with the heaviness of last year. There is freedom in the air and a new sense of hope.

Over Easter we celebrate the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His path to the Cross was filled with anxiety, distress and suffering. On the Easter Sunday the one who died is resurrected, he is alive again. The heaviness of the time leading to Calvary is gone and like us he must have a great sense of freedom and life, but his experience of life is different.

Life is not the opposite of death, life is about living. Risen from the dead, Jesus knows what it is to be alive. Easter invites us to experience with new freedom what it is to be alive. Life should never be taken for granted, it should be lived with joy and gratitude, it refashions us as we look in hope to the future.

I wish you a happy and blessed Easter.

Bishop Greg